
Author:Chabad Intown

Mar 24 2016

Up is not up and down is not down

Today is Purim! And that means that today everything is upside down. Haman's desire to destroy the Jews was turned on its head and the Jews were victorious. The very gallows that Mordechai was to be hanged, became the hanging place of Haman. Mordechai who was to be shamed parading Haman through the streets became the the paraded. Esther became exalted and the people were all taxed but the Jews were not. And the Jews celebrated. The Megillah captures this with the words - Vnahapach Hu - and it was...

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Mar 16 2016

The Hardest Word

There is a cute book that often surfaces around the High Holiday season called the Hardest Word. It's a kids book although it might as well be a book for adults as well and the hardest word is; Sorry.In this weeks Torah portion we open the third book of the Torah, the book of Leviticus, Vayikra. In it we read about the sacrifices that were offered in the Mishkan and later in the Bais Hamikdash (the Temple in Jerusalem).   Although, the Bais Hamikdash no longer stands, we still have the spiritual...

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Mar 10 2016

Stand up and be counted

There are those that make things happen, there are those who watch things happen and there are those who ask – what happened!   In this weeks Torah portion – Pekuday, the Torah recounts the values of the materials used in the construction of the Mishkan. This despite the fact that we had discussed at length all the details of the construction of the vessels of the Mishkan and the garments of the Kohanim (the Priests). Why are the specific values or weights of the materials so important?   Have you ever seen something...

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Mar 02 2016

How much is too much?

Well with Purim around the corner you might think that question would simply be answered; “until one can’t tell the different between blessed is Mordechai and cursed is Haman”. But actually my question is; how much is too much?   The Megillah tells us the details of the great feast that the King Achashvairosh made to celebrate his kingdom; …the king made a seven-day feast in the courtyard of the king's palace garden, for all the people in Shushan the capital, nobleman and commoner alike. There were hangings of white, green and blue,...

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Feb 24 2016

Moses on the line

Three bonds are tied one to the other; Israel, Torah and The Holy One Blessed Be He. The Zohar In this weeks Torah portion we read of the Big sin – the making and the worshipping the Golden Calf. After having revealed Himself and having given the Torah only 40 days earlier at Mt. Sinai G-d chooses a drastic punishment for the Jewish People – Destruction! Moses steps forward and tells G-d, if You choose to forgive them great, if not take me out of the Book which You have written (the...

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Feb 17 2016

Living Jewish out of the Foxhole

I had the good fortune of spending a few days last week including last Shabbat in Moscow, Russia. I was there to celebrate the wedding of Moshe Lerman son on Rabbi Yossi and Esther Lerman fellow Chabad Shluchim here in Georgia (in Gwinett County) to Frady Lazar, daughter of Rabbi Berel Lazal Chief Rabbi of Russia and director of Chabad activities in the former Soviet Union.   During the year 1991 – 1995 I spent summers, some high holidays, some Passovers and an entire year in that country. I remember the early...

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Feb 11 2016

Getting a leg up

These days everybody is looking to find a way to get a leg up on the competition, an edge over the competitor, something that makes you stand out.   This weeks Torah portion tells us about building a home for Hashem – the Mishkan.   The theory; if the Mishkan is the microcosm of how we create a perfect home for G-d in the entire world (make for a Mishkan and I will dwell within them – within each and every one of Israel {who make for me a home}) then following the instructions...

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Feb 04 2016

Meat and Milk – let’s not lose focus

It's too easy to discount the bulk of Jewish tradition and throw it to the wind in the name of progress and intellectual prowess.   The truth is, that if we dig deep we often find that the surface reasons for many traditions and customs that seem to be merely a product of the times or a product of rabbinic interpretation, in fact contain within them profound insights that would boggle the mind of the greatest professors and scientists. (I invite anybody reading this to spend an afternoon together to study some...

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Jan 28 2016

A Miraculous Challenge

Different temperaments deal with the challenges of life in different ways.  Some are crushed by it.  Others get angry at G-d for giving them the challenge.  Others go with the flow.   In Hebrew a challenge or test is called a Nisayon.  In Hebrew a miracle is called Nes.  Both have the same root word which means to lift up.   A miracle lifts us up because it allows us to realize that there is an active G-d involved in our world and our life.  It lifts us up above the normal experience and...

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Jan 21 2016

The Chuckler

Have you ever had this experience? You are engaged in a discussion with some friends, and you make what you think to be a really good point. But, instead of arguing the point, one of the conversationalists chuckles. The kind of chuckle that discounts what you just said and casts a doubt in all the other conversation participants as to whether you have anything further to contribute to the discussion.   Do you ever have a voice inside of you that chuckles at you? A chuckle that discounts your seriousness or interest...

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