
Author:Chabad Intown

Aug 16 2016

The Comforting Father

Do you ever want something from someone else? Something only they can give you? You have two choices when it comes to this request. A. You can rationalize why they should grant your request or B. beg or plead. I don’t really mean beg, more like calling on some inner part of your relationship with them that would evoke a response to respond to your request.   Which approach makes more sense? Well if you were Moses and had been nominated for a job you didn’t ask for or want (taking the...

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Aug 10 2016

Google’s Temple

It's well known that Google is data driven. When the brains at Google sit down to discuss new products they have rules of engagement. Essentially, there are no opinions only facts supported by data. If you can bring proof from data you can move forward with your product development, if not then it's out. There are no heated passionate discussions of personal opinions because it's all about the facts.   A breath of fresh air. No politics. No defensiveness.   Wouldn't it be nice if the facts spoke for themselves? Always!   This Shabbos we commemorate...

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Aug 03 2016

How much do you sacrifice?

Where do you draw the line? Logic says that we are to sacrifice for the things that are important to us in life. To provide a living for our families we work hard, giving up on potentially enjoyable vacations. We study late into the night to achieve our intellectual goals. We put aside our personal needs for our children. For in the sacrifice we uncover potentials we never knew we had. But, how much sacrifice is enough?   In this weeks portion G-d tells Moses to avenge Him through battling the Midianites....

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Jul 26 2016

Zealous rhymes with Honest?

Ok, this is an article a bit out of my character.  It is not that I am not straightforward always, it’s more that I generally try to package my comments in a more subtle manner.  But, something happened this week that just struck a chord.  So, here it is.   I was reading this book called “The Portable Jewish Mother; a hearty serving of OY VEY!”, a cute little book that talks about all the stereotypical stuff your read about the Jewish mother.  But there is other stuff about the Jewish lifecycle,...

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Jul 19 2016

Where do you want to go?

A basic tenet of Chabad philosophy is that G-d is ever present and it is the Divine concealment (Tzimtzum) that causes our inability to see Him at work that prevents us from experience G-dliness in a revealed fashion.   This is a necessity because it allows us to experience free choice which is the ultimate purpose of our existence on this earth - to make good choices, to choose good over evil and to make the world a more G-dly place.   One of the side effects of this reality is that we can...

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Jul 06 2016

The Rebbe

During the last farbrengen of Pesach, 5726/1965, in between the Rebbe's talks, as the Chasidim engaged in song, the Rebbe pointed towards a small 11 year old boy sitting at the end of a table at the other end of the hall. The Rebbe gestured towards him with four fingers, as if to ask if he had drunk four cups of wine. At first, no one understood who the Rebbe was gesturing towards until they realized that he meant this particular boy. The next talk, then continued.   During the interval before...

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Jun 29 2016

The Shadow

Ever feel overwhelmed by a situation, feeling powerless to overcome it? What gives power to anything to negatively or positively affect another?   In this weeks Torah portion the leaders of the Tribes spy out the Land of Israel and bring back a negative report saying that it will be too difficult to conquer the land. Caleb silences the Jewish People and ensures them with G-d's help they will succeed. He says; "they are our bread, remove the shadow from upon them and G-d is with us, do not be afraid".   The Baal...

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Jun 22 2016

The Cloud

It’s been said “everybody backs up sooner or later”. And today the responsible thing to do is to back up to the Cloud.   Is all your stuff backed up to the Cloud? And is backing up to the Cloud really all that new?   Advantages of backing up to the Cloud:   You always have your files in case your computer’s hard drive or external hard drive crashes and burns You can access the files from wherever you are You don’t have to worry about saving your files in different versions because the Cloud holds them all...

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Jun 15 2016

Run to the hills!

I suspect many a young lovers couple dreamed the same dream, fantasized the same fantasy – to run to the hills and live in nature, away from the distractions of the world, lost in drunk love.   Alas, for most of us, neither finances nor practicality would allow that for any extended period of time, so we have to suffice with a honeymoon or honeymoon period.   When the world gets crazy like it did Sunday in Orlando, when the world seems to be declining and all semblance of normalcy seems to be disappearing...

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Jun 08 2016

Tiny giant

[no_blockquote text="Chassidus is Divine intelligence, an understanding which shows man how small he is, and how great he can become. " text_color="" title_tag="h2" width="" line_height="" background_color="" border_color="" show_quote_icon="no" quote_icon_color="" quote_icon_size=""] - Hayom Yom   In just a few days we'll celebrate, commemorate and reenact the Revelation at Sinai and the giving of the Torah. This was a once in history event that carried with it eternal power.   It was a powerful event that demonstrated how great G-d is and in turn how small man is. But it also empowered us to realize that G-d in...

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