
For the love of Israel

Jul 24 2019

For the love of Israel

It’s that time of year again. The seasons of life just flow. Happy times, sad times, introspective times and time of liberation. This is how the Jewish calendar flows as well.


This past Shabbos we entered into the period known as the three weeks in which we commemorate the events leading up to and the destruction of Jerusalem. Jerusalem of course represents the essence of Israel and all it stood for and continues to stand for. See last years series on Israel here (Israel 2018 – Why Israel?, Israel 2448*, Israel 2018 And Beyond, The Messianic Israel).


Although our history is fraught with challenge and loss, we continue to thrive as a People with our heads held high. We continue to move forward with an inner joy and confidence in our purpose on this earth and our unique role among nations for all of time.


One can enter these three weeks with negativity and sadness focused on what was lost. Alternatively, one can enter into this period of time with a positive outlook seeing the past as a necessary challenge to break through to the blessed times ahead.


This year the three weeks begins on a Shabbos and essentially ends on a Shabbos (although the actual fast of the 9th of Av will take place on Sunday the 10th of Av out of respect for Shabbos). The upbeat positive spirit of Shabbos represents the purpose of all struggle as it represents the purpose and culmination of all of our efforts throughout the week.


Indeed, our Sages say that the era of Moshiach is a day that is all Shabbos.


How apropos as well that this Shabbos we read of the dedication of the daughters of Tzelafchad who loved the land of Israel so much that they had the courage to approach Moses and demand what was rightly theirs.


As we enter this Shabbos, I encourage reflection on the things in our lives that are openly positive and for us to look back at those things that are negative and to realize the blessings that they have brought to.


Have a good Shabbos.

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