
Endings, Transitions and New Beginnings

Dec 19 2018

Endings, Transitions and New Beginnings

Life is continuous. A seed is placed in the earth, it rots, new life is formed. A soul completes its journey, it journeys to its heavenly abode and starts a new experience there. One job is terminated a new one is born.


Endings are hard because they seem to have no future.


Transitions are hard because they we fear the unknown.


Beginnings are hard because, well you are breaking in new unfamiliar ground.


In the last few weeks, a close Chabad participant was laid to rest, a new Chabad center opened, a new space in memory of that Chabad participant was opened, plenty of firsts, first time praying in the new space, first time having kiddush in the new space. New beginnings. Exciting but not all of them easy.


All Torah portions are indented at the beginning with empty text preceding them, all except one – this week – Vayechi.


Our Sages say that this is because the eyes of the People became sealed upon Jacob’s death (that takes place in this week’s Torah portion). I suspect the meaning behind this is transition. They were leaving one enlightened experience, entering into a dark space that was ultimately a birthing of a People.


When it seems closed and it seems dark, open the scroll, look inside and let the light shine forth.


Have an enlightening and illuminating Shabbos!

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