
Saying Goodbye/Hello to Holy Spaces

Nov 14 2018

Saying Goodbye/Hello to Holy Spaces

Holiness is eternal. That is because holiness is an extension of Hashem who is eternal.


What of the physical spaces that become home to Hashem and holiness?


This Shabbos we bid farewell to the Chabad Intown building that has served this community for the past 18 years. The building has been sold and it’s time to move out. We are moving upwards to larger and more impactful spaces on the BeltLine.


What of the holiness of the space?


The Talmud talks about the terms under which one is allowed to sell an object of holiness. As a general principle it is only permitted when one is moving upwards, increasing in holiness.


There is surely a holiness that remains in the space where a Mitzvah is done and will for eternity. But, the energy of those Mitzvos moves with us, because we are using the past experiences as a springboard for growth. As such the past becomes part of the present.


It’s always difficult to let go of the past, because the past is comfortable, it is familiar and it’s risky business to venture into the unknown.


But, we can’t really grow in holiness if we don’t take risk. Staying in your comfort zone equals stagnancy. The sign of a living thing is that it grows and growth always requires a breaking or a break through of some sort.


This Shabbos we’ll celebrate our youth and we’ll celebrate maturity and we’ll celebrate growth.


Hope to see you there!

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