

Oct 04 2018


It’s been 55 days and counting for this High Holiday season. It starts with the first day of the month of Elul, when we begin to blow the Shofar and culminates with Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan (next Tuesday) when we resume saying the daily prayers of Tachnun (prayers of supplication that we don’t say beginning the day after Yom Kippur in keeping the joyous spirit of the holidays that follow).


As the season comes to an end and the High of Simchas Torah wears off ๐Ÿ™‚ the reality sets in. No more long mornings engaged in Divine communion (prayer), no more long evening dinners with family and friends, no more long afternoons in the Sukkah hanging out enjoying a cup of wine and meaningful conversation, real life is setting in, winter will be here before you know it.




Although real life will set in, Hashem in His kindness gave us opportunities every day, every week and every month to capture some of those experiences year round.


Daily prayer, weekly Shabbos dinners, Shabbos day services and lunch and the endless traditions that make up our Jewish reality are all readily available. After all the intention of the High Holidays wasn’t simply for feel good purposes. The intention is to actually activate our inner soul to connect with Hashem throughout the year.


So, beginning today, make a daily or weekly or monthly resolve to experience the High Holidays year round. Today’s commitment ensures tomorrow’s reality.


Perhaps this is the reason behind the Chasidic saying, that the way one begins Shabbos Bereishis so goes the entire year. Make that commitment now and the year will be an elevated High Holiday one.

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