
Spying for Truth!

Jun 07 2018

Spying for Truth!

What is reality? Is there a real truth?


The 12 leaders of the tribes go into the Land of Israel to report back on the land; it’s climate, crops, fortifications etc. 10 of them come back with a negative pessimistic view “we were like grasshoppers in our eyes and so we were in theirs. We can’t conquer it.” Two of them come back and say “the Land is exceedingly good!”


Which one is it? Which is the truth?


In fact there is a truth, one singular truth. Truth is that which is everlasting and eternal and there is only one entity that is eternal and everlasting and that is Hashem. However, since that Divine energy is manifest in everything around us, if we dig we can access the real truth.


The spies report may have been truthful but they added one thing that was not; “We can’t conquer it”. Once Hashem says that the Land can be conquered then that becomes truth. In fact, a Prophet who says prophesizes that something positive will happen and it doesn’t is considered a false prophet. That is because he is carrying the word of the Eternal G-d and it can’t be anything but truthful. So if it doesn’t come to pass it must not be from Hashem.


What we experience at first glance in life is the material dimension of the world. That is not truthful. It is a façade. If we get stuck at the façade then we are living in a false space. If we choose to dig beneath the surface we have the opportunity of connecting with the truth the is there.


When undertaking a new endeavor in life that is guided (or instructed) by the Torah then we can be assured that it is a true endeavor and will meet with success. There may be naysayers coming from the vantage point of the materialistic surface who discourage the endeavor and who are pessimistic. This is where you choose what kind of spy you want to be. The kind that chooses to look at the surface facts and become discouraged or to dig deeper and know that this is a truthful mission from Above and you will meet with success.


The choice is ours. What is your choice?


With blessings for a Good Shabbos!

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