
Stressed Out?

Mar 22 2017

Stressed Out?

Are you stressed out? Do you work too hard? You might be using your brain too much!


In this week’s Torah portion, the Torah tells us “six days work shall be done”. Passively.


King David tells us that work should be the toil of our hands (palms to be exact) not the toil of our heads. Our heads ought to be focused on life’s purpose. When we are overly invested in our work we use up vital brain energy and it stresses us out and exhausts us.


Why should we not overly invest our brains in our work?


The answer is that won’t help. Have you ever invested your brain and energy into a project only to find that it didn’t go as planned? Conversely, have you ever not invested in something and found that the pieces just fell into place, almost as if by magic?


Friends, G-d runs the world and is the source of blessing. The verse states “the blessing of G-d is what makes us rich”. If we focus on the blessing not on the work, we will be rewarded with success.


Put in other words, success is not ours to achieve, the only part we play is to do the work.


So, no more brain work just palm work and we will see the positive results.


Shabbat Shalom, Good Shabbos!

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