
Tzedakah from the Soul

Mar 01 2017

Tzedakah from the Soul

People have so many layers. Our physical layers are complex enough. For example our skin alone has three layers, epidermis, dermis and hypodermis (I cheated, I googled that). From there we navigate all the other layers until we hit the bone and beyond.


When we get into the psychological makeup it becomes even more complex. It’s so complex they have a book dedicated to it. It’s called the DSM and has 297 entries!


Once we venture into the spiritual realm and Jewish spiritual personal development we enter into an infinite realm of layers.


Do you ever get tired of trying to sift through the layers and figure out where you are on a given day? It can be exhausting.


Here is some reprieve. The mitzvah of tzedakah – giving charity, cuts through all the layers and accesses the very essence of who we are. In giving away YOUR money to another in need, you take the very essence of yourself and give it to another, selflessly.


The reason for this is that money can buy your very life, your very sustenance. In giving it away you give away your very self from your very essence.


It is for this reason that in this week’s Torah portion, Moses asks for donations from the community to build the home for G-d. Building a home for G-d is an eternal endeavor in each generation and in our time. It happens in our physical homes and our workplaces. It happens in our cities and in our countries. It happens when we eat and when we sleep. In each of these settings we are making a home for G-d. At its essence is Tzedakah, giving of oneself.


Think about this Shabbos and then find someone or a cause that is of interest to you and give some Tzedakah. Pay attention to how this accesses your very core.


With blessing for a wonderful Shabbos!

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