
Moving Forward

Jan 18 2017

Moving Forward

Recently I had a run in with a friend. I suggested that we sit down and talk it out. His response was, “nah, let it sit for some time and it will blow over for both of us”. Turns out he was correct. It did blow over.
But it doesn’t always. Sometimes, issues from the past linger and the can become consuming, eating us up from within, until it gets resolved.
How does one resolve the issues from the past? There are two approaches: A. face the demons head on or B. come to peace with the realities of the past and accept it for what it is. (Take a moment and reflect on something from the past that you may be struggling with now or perhaps have. Think about the method in which you resolved it. Was it A or B above?)
Ultimately, it boils down to the circumstances and personalities of all parties involved that will determine which approach you take.
One thing is for certain (a good southern phrase?), in order to move forward with personal growth and accomplishing in life, the more you resolve the past, the easier it is to propel oneself forward.
Moses demonstrates this in this weeks portion when he sees the sight of the Burning Bush. He knows instantly that this is something more than a simple forest fire. He understands that there is major opportunity ahead. And so he makes the statement recorded in the Torah, “Let me turn away (from here) and see…”.
In order to move forward there needs to be a turning away. Resolve the issues whatever the approach and move forward.
With blessing!

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