
Dance The Night Away!

Oct 19 2016

Dance The Night Away!

48 hours of Rosh Hashanah = 48 hours of Simchas Torah (and Shmini Atzeres)!


Love and Awe (or fear) of G-d are fundamentals of Jewish faith and observance. They are called wings through which all of our good deeds soar heavenward.


Love and Awe (or fear) of G-d are fundamentals of Jewish faith and observance. They are called wings through which all of our good deeds soar heavenward.


On Rosh Hashanah, “days of Awe”, the energy while critical is one of distance. On Simchas Torah the energy is one of Joy and Love which brings draws us near.


So which one do you think has a greater impact on High?




The Chasidic saying is that the 48 hours of Joy of (Shmini Atzeres and) Simchas Torah can accomplish the same thing as the 48 hours of Rosh Hashanah. But, whereas for Rosh Hashanah it is accomplished through prayer and awe, on these 48 hours it is accomplished through dancing and joy.


Now you know why that is!


So, how will you celebrate?


Join us for the festivities + Brisket – full schedule here.

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