
The Way I Think #52

Oct 11 2016

The Way I Think #52

How was the sermon? Was it passionate? Was it on the money? Did it make its mark?


How inspired were you these past few weeks? What kind of good resolutions did you make?


Now that the HH days have passed and we are up to the fun stuff Sukkos and Simchas Torah, what happens to those sermons or the inspiration of the services?


Hence, The Way I Think #52


#52 is the number of weeks until the next Rosh Hashanah. So my question for you and for me is, “do we wait until week #3 or #2 before we start talking about the sermon or inspiration or do we act now at #52?” My bet is that if we act now and start applying the inspiration of the sermons today, then we will be a total different person next year this time. Inspiration rests on a plowed field. If you work on your field to irrigate and seed and nurture then it will yield produce.


I bet your rabbi spoke about Mitzvos and doing more of them this year. So what Mitzvah will be yours this year? What Mitzvah can you start right now, today, so that you begin seeding that field?


A happy Sukkos to all!

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