
Don’t Judge Me!

Sep 28 2016

Don’t Judge Me!

No one likes to be judged! In fact the Mishna says, don’t judge another because there is only one True judge. So why the New Year’s celebration?! Indeed it is a day of awe but when the service is over we are instructed to go eat and feast and celebrate.


Let’s break it down. Why don’t we like to be judged? Here are a couple of reasons:
1. We don’t think the other person has our best interests at heart
2. We don’t think the other person really understands us and our circumstances and is passing judgement unfairly
3. We don’t want to make the changes the judgement demands of us


The fact is that most of the time the people who are passing judgement are guilty of one or all of the above (and then some). But imagine if someone loved you so much, and so unconditionally, that they did have your best interests, they do understand your circumstances and inspire you to change? We would welcome such judgement!


This indeed is what happens on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We are being judged by Hashem – G-d Himself who qualifies for all of the above (and then some). Hashem only wants what is best for us, knows us through and through and inspires us with His love to change for the better.


All that is asked from us is to show up and let Hashem embrace us. Let ourselves be judged. This is cause for great celebration! To be judged by someone who loves us so much and as a result to be inspired to become a better person, what greater cause can there be for celebration?


So, as we approach the days of Awe and the days of Judgement, let’s celebrate the love of G-d and this auspicious special day of joy!


Best wishes to you and yours for a Shana Tova!

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