
Too blessed to be stressed

Sep 07 2016

Too blessed to be stressed

Last week some workers in our house had some music playing. The lyrics caught my ear. Too blessed to be stressed. I now know that this is a pretty popular line and meme out there. The specific lyrics of this particular group were a little too funky and hipster for me to fully comprehend but the punch line – too blessed to be stressed got me thinking.


In this month of Elul we focus on our relationship with G-d. As in any relationship it is a two way street. There is what we do for G-d and what G-d does for us. There are the things that we do that makes G-d happy and there are things that G-d does for us that makes us happy. Those are the things of an easy, smooth flowing relationship.


Then there are the things that we do that perhaps makes G-d not too happy and there are things that G-d does that makes us not so happy. Life is not always so perfect. Things aren’t always easy and sometimes they are outright difficult and hard to see any good in it.


If we are too blessed to be stressed then we can navigate through that dimension of the relationship as well.


Let me explain.


When you are unsure of someones love for you, then their actions that seem to be unpleasant, or hurtful need explanation. Why did you say that to me, why did you do that to me, etc.? But when you are 100% of the love that other person has for you, when you are absolutely secure in the safety and security of the other person’s embrace of you then you don’t need (although sometimes its helpful) the explanation. Because you know that anything they are doing is completely in your best interest and for your good.


When we are blessed because we know we are in a relationship with G-d who loves us completely and entirely, who has us in His eternal embrace then we are too blessed to be stressed. We are confident in the difficulties and challenges of life to know that they are for our good, they are in our best interest and indeed they are really good even if they are concealed good.


(This doesn’t preclude our right and responsibility to ask of G-d to allow for things to be good in a revealed way that we can comprehend. But it does allow for us to be safe and secure in our relationship.)


This month of Elul is a time for us to focus on the core relationship, to reconnect with the “too blessed” part. To know that we are indeed connected at our very essence with G-d who embraces us unconditionally and loves us eternally.

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