
The Shadow

Jun 29 2016

The Shadow

Ever feel overwhelmed by a situation, feeling powerless to overcome it? What gives power to anything to negatively or positively affect another?


In this weeks Torah portion the leaders of the Tribes spy out the Land of Israel and bring back a negative report saying that it will be too difficult to conquer the land. Caleb silences the Jewish People and ensures them with G-d’s help they will succeed. He says; “they are our bread, remove the shadow from upon them and G-d is with us, do not be afraid”.


The Baal Shem Tov was taught at the young age of 5, to only fear G-d. Everything else has power only because G-d’s shadow protects them. Once He removes the shadow, His protection, there is no fight left and no power left.


So, the next time you are afraid, direct your fear or awe to Hashem and you will be safe.


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