
Tiny giant

Jun 08 2016

Tiny giant

Chassidus is Divine intelligence, an understanding which shows man how small he is, and how great he can become.

– Hayom Yom


In just a few days we’ll celebrate, commemorate and reenact the Revelation at Sinai and the giving of the Torah. This was a once in history event that carried with it eternal power.


It was a powerful event that demonstrated how great G-d is and in turn how small man is. But it also empowered us to realize that G-d in His greatness created space for us to serve Him.


Visiting a Dr. the other day and asking him to explain a particular medicine he answered in a refreshingly honest manner; “we don’t know how it works, darn we don’t know how aspirin works. We just know that it does.”


His answer captured for me the essence of the statement above. We are so small, so incapable of fathoming the vastness of G-d’s wisdom, the vastness of the Universe, the depth of the yet locked mysteries of every science around us. And yet, here we are exploring it and honored and priveleged to possibly contribute in small part to the world around us.


What the Torah adds to this is that no matter how small we are, we have the ability not to only contribute but to transform the ENTIRE world through our own little struggles and actions.


This gift was given to us on Shavous. I hope you’ll join us at our all night Torah study or Shavous Dippin Dots party to experience this day and to learn more.


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