
How to make a day shine

May 25 2016

How to make a day shine

One day you wake up and the sun is shining in a way that it has never shined before!   You see the world not just somewhat differently than before, but entirely different.  You always thought of the world in one particular way and now it is illuminated in a way that shows you that the world  you were always living in was a dark world.  The lights have come on!  You are humbled!


What you do with the inspiration will determine whether the inspiration is real or yet another one of those fleeting experiences.  Do you run to share that excitement with the world?  Do you tell everybody how you have seen the light?  Do you think about the other or are you thinking only about yourself?  Will your excitement have a positive or negative impact on the other?  Do you take the time to think about it at all? Do you have humility in your awakening?


Today is Lag B’Omer.  This means that it is the 33rd day of the Omer Counting.  During the days between Passover and Shavout we count the days.  All 49 of them.  Each one has a character development attribute that we focus on.  These are closely associated with the mystical Sefirot 10 Divine attributes.


Lag B’Omer corresponds to the attribute of Humility within Humility.  Humility may be more easily accessible.  It is a challenge not to be satisfied with the humility that you have come to appreciate or that life has bestowed upon you but to yet again look deeper within yourself.  To incorporate even more humility into your achievement of humility.


So the next time you have a moment of inspiration do this.  1. Count 61 minutes.  See if the inspiration is still there.  If it is gone, it was never a real inspiration but just a distraction.  And 2. See if your expression of your inspiration follows along the path of humility or abandons it for the good feeling that it brings you.


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