
Passover Safety Information Card

Apr 21 2016

Passover Safety Information Card

In honor of Passover I produced this wonderful video on my very own website  Ok. Totally kidding, that’s not our Schusterman and we’re not even related, although maybe one day we will be (or at least they’ll support the Chabad efforts of this Atlanta Schusterman :-).  It’s a cute video though, and I did write this Safety card to accompany the video (although I wrote it a few years ago, it’s message is timeless or at least still relevant).


Enjoy! And Please read Dena and my blessings to you for Passover at the end of the email.


Passover Safety Information Card


I was sitting on a plane the other day after only and I was amazed when I looked over to the seat pocket of the fellow sitting next to me.  Right there sticking out of the pocket was a “Passover Safety Information Card”.  I was very impressed that Delta was now providing Passover Safety Information for its passengers.


Granted I had only slept four hours the night before and that could play tricks on ones eyes.  But it was a good thought while it lasted.  In the last census Passover has taken over Chanukah as the most celebrated Jewish festival.  One of the challenges we have year in year out is to make the same “rituals” meaningful again.


So here are some Passover Safety Instructions.  Or you might call it the Chabad Passover Safety Information Card.


1. Remember that Matzah is more then a food to force down your gullet.  Matzah according to Kaballah is the Bread of Faith as well as the Bread of Healing.  So when you are crunching – think of G-d’s Oneness and of His power to heal.


In case of emergency there are four doors…


2. Maror is a bitter herb and represents the bitterness of the slavery.  According to Chasidic thought that bitterness can also be a positive thing, when one engages in difficult spiritual work to purify and refine ones character.  So when you are downing the Maror and the smoke is coming out of your ears, think about areas of your character that can use refining.


A $5000 fine accompanies tampering with the smoke detectors…


3. On this night we are free but there are many levels of freedom.  We are much freer then say the Jews under the Spanish rule, Egyptian rule, Roman rule, Soviet rule, Nazi rule, but we have internal slaveries.  Areas of our life that we can yet conquer.  Let’s internalize the message of freedom to free ourselves even more.  Make this year a year of Exodus for you.


Please take care when opening overhead bins…


4. Kids are our future.  It’s ok if they spill their wine or grape juice or if they are a little rowdy.  Try to get them to participate of course, but the main thing is that they are hanging out in a Seder environment.  It’s that experience that will be with them when they are older.


In case of Emergency an oxygen mask…


5. We drank four cups together with our friends and family.  We internalized the message of Matzah, Maror, and more.  But, there are others less fortunate that haven’t yet experienced a Seder.  As you pour the cup of Elijah pray for the era of Moshiach when all Jews will sit together at one table with a deep appreciation for our great tradition.


We hope when thinking about travel in the future you’ll consider us for travel…


A Happy and Kosher Passover to all.


My blessings to you this Pesach is to experience true liberation.  Liberation from all things that limit you spiritually, materially, emotionally, psychologically.  Freedom to experience relationships to their fullest.  Relationships with each other, parents, spouses, children and close friends. Freedom to feel G-d’s closeness to you and to reciprocate to your fullest potential.  May you be blessed with all the material abundance and good health so that you can allow your inner potential to be set free to experience to freedom that this holiday allows for us to experience.  And together may we experience to ultimate freedom when all of Mankind will live in harmony with each other and the pursuit of all humankind will be the knowledge of G-d and goodliness with the coming of the Moshiach, may it be now Amen!

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