
A Miraculous Challenge

Jan 28 2016

A Miraculous Challenge

Different temperaments deal with the challenges of life in different ways.  Some are crushed by it.  Others get angry at G-d for giving them the challenge.  Others go with the flow.


In Hebrew a challenge or test is called a Nisayon.  In Hebrew a miracle is called Nes.  Both have the same root word which means to lift up.


A miracle lifts us up because it allows us to realize that there is an active G-d involved in our world and our life.  It lifts us up above the normal experience and reality of life.


A Nisayon, a test, lifts us up because when we overcome it, we have grown through the experience and become better people but we have also become closer to G-d.


When we are faced with a test, Jewish and Torah tradition teach us that it is indeed G-d who is putting this test in front of us to see if we overcome it.  Through overcoming it we are rewarded in becoming better people and by virtue of having withstood the test we become closer to G-d.


But who wants tests? In fact, King David in Psalms says, “who can go up on the mountain of G-d with clean palms and a pure heart?”.  The journey of life is dangerous and fraught with potholes.


This is why in this weeks Torah portion, Moses reassures the people by saying, “do not fear, for G-d has come to test you so that you His fear may be before you so that you won’t sin”.   Although difficult and perhaps frightful, Moses reassures us not to be afraid because it is to our benefit and G-d walks with us.  And when we may feel that we are going it alone, be assured that G-d is carrying us throughout.


Because,  you are a miracle!


Shabbat Shalom!

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