
The Chuckler

Jan 21 2016

The Chuckler

Have you ever had this experience? You are engaged in a discussion with some friends, and you make what you think to be a really good point. But, instead of arguing the point, one of the conversationalists chuckles. The kind of chuckle that discounts what you just said and casts a doubt in all the other conversation participants as to whether you have anything further to contribute to the discussion.


Do you ever have a voice inside of you that chuckles at you? A chuckle that discounts your seriousness or interest in a particular endeavor. The kind of chuckle that makes you stop pursuing your dream. Does that chuckler live inside of you, ever?


At the end of this weeks Torah portion we are introduces to the people of Amalek. The nation who attacked the Jewish people after the Exodus from Egypt, despite having witnessed G-d’s protection of the People and the miracles He performed for them (including the splitting of the sea). Despite the clear Divine protection, Amalek attacked the Jews knowing that they would be burned in their battle.


Amalek was an intentional chuckler. Amalek wanted to discount what the world was excited about. Amalek wanted to discount the faith of the Jews in G-d’s salvation. They knew they’d get burned, but it was worth it as long as their chuckle cooled down the conversation.


The Torah commands us to obliterate Amalek. We need to obliterate the doubt that creeps up on us. We need to obliterate and remove the chuckler inside of us. And we need to ignore the chuckler outside of us.


Keep strong! Chazak! And always remember that we are G-d’s children!

Shabbat Shalom!

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