
The Courage of Sacrifice

Jan 12 2016

The Courage of Sacrifice

Inevitably in our lives we are faced with an opportunity to show courage. It could be courage at work, at home, in a relationship or in some quiet place that only you and G-d Almighty are aware of. When we have courage, real courage we are ready to achieve Freedom.


Freedom is a state of being where only the things you choose to put upon yourself hold you captive. The Jewish People at Sinai accepted G-d and the Torah when they said Naseh Vinishma – we will do and we will hear. It was at that moment that they renounced and removed any other g-d’s, any servitude to any other being or idea except for G-d.


What is the first step to achieving that Freedom it is the courage to denounce and face all other g-d’s. It is the courage to throw off your captor or the things that hold you captive. It could be a person, an addiction or your own internal ideas.


When the Jewish people were getting ready to leave Egypt G-d instructed them through Moses to take the sheep, that was worshiped by the Egyptians, parade it through the streets of Egypt and then to offer it as a sacrifice to G-d.


This act alone was the first step to breaking the fear of their captors. It was the first step for the Jewish people to throw off the yoke of the ideals, ideas and attitudes of Egypt. In doing so, they removed all barriers that remained between them and their choosing. This allowed them to leave Egypt physically and accept upon themselves Hashem and His Torah.


So what are the things you need to throw off in your life? What are the courageous steps you need to take to become truly free?

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