
Sukkos Joy

Sep 21 2015

Sukkos Joy

We prayed we fasted let’s party!


Sukkot joy is quite profound. Yes it surely has the human dimension of the rebound after the intense Days of Awe.

But it’s more than that.


The other night one of the twins was not feeling well and after expressing herself (pun intended) went running to her mother for an embrace. It was that embrace that brought her comfort in her pain.


Why is it that when we hug or get hugged we provide or are provided comfort and security?


It is precisely because there isn’t a rational answer to this question that makes the hug so profound. It transcends understanding. The hug opens the deepest part of ourselves to the security and comfort of the hugger.


Hugs are used to express love and joy as well.


Real joy comes from a sense of purpose and knowing we are on the right track.


When the Days of Awe come to an end and we’ve been reassured that our relationship with Hashem is intact, strong and renewed we are ready for the embrace of comfort and security that will birth joy and celebration.


According to Jewish law a Sukkah has to have 2 complete walls and a small portion of a third wall.


Try this at home… Give someone a basic embrace (that would be a one handed embrace), you’ll notice your forearm, arm and hand make up the totality of the embrace. This would be the two full walls of the Sukkah and the small portion of the third.


Indeed, the Chasidic masters have said that the Sukkah is the Divine embracing us.


So, as we gather together in the Sukkah this Sunday evening, let’s open ourselves up to the divine embrace of Almighty G-d and take comfort and security in knowing that we’re going to be all right.


Chag Sameach and Gut Yom Tov!


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Rabbi Schusterman
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