
Is Jewish Law Too Rigid?

May 29 2019

Is Jewish Law Too Rigid?

It’s a big book of 613 commandments. It’s codified in Maimonides 14 books of his magnum opus. It has responsa stretching from here to there. Why so many laws? Couldn’t we all just get along?!


You’ll pardon my bluntness but things are just not working out today with all the political correctness, touchy feely stuff and anything goes approach. Don’t get me wrong, I think in the end it will all work out and we’ll be better for it. But, out of the gate, it just isn’t working.


Eventually, the people who are put up as the heroes of various movements are shown up to be human like everyone else. They have ugly sides to them. Eventually, the good intentions and good feelings begin to worm their way into negative manifestations and one questions the entire intention in the first place.


I’m intentionally being vague because these words aren’t intended to be political or specifically critical of any single approach. It’s really about making a simple point; some things must be holy. Some lines need never be crossed. Some old school traditional values actually work!


Let’s use the body as an analogy. If we are to live an enjoyable and fulfilling life, we must have a healthy body. An unhealthy body and someone in pain has a hard time enjoying their loving relationships, enjoying their children, enjoying the wealth they worked so hard to achieve.


But having a healthy body requires hard work and lines/boundaries. Exercise, eating healthy foods, not eating harmful foods, sleeping normal hours and a normal amount of hours. Sure you could get away with living unhealthily for a while but eventually it catches up and then all you’ve worked for is broken down.


Are all these body care activities restrictive? Well, yes. But, they are also the life giving guidelines that allow for life to be lived.


“If you walk in my statues/laws, I will give the rain in its proper time”, the opening words of this week’s Parsha. It’s not a reward, it’s a result. Take care of your body, you’ll enjoy life. Take care of your soul, you’ll have the blessings you need. Take care of your values and we’ll make proper and lasting change in the world.


Have a great Shabbos!

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