
The Messiah, a waiting game!

Apr 25 2019

The Messiah, a waiting game!

Matzah, Horseradish, Charoset, the holiday of Pesach is nearing the final stretch. According to Jewish tradition, during these intermediary days of the holiday we only do minimal work that is absolutely necessary. This year in particular we have been enjoying these days spending time with all the children and our new son-in-law.


The holiday is coming to an end and for us Chasdim, the end of Pesach has a dominant theme, the coming of Moshiach. Yup, I know what you are thinking, those Chabadniks are doing the Moshiach thing again. Are they for real? Is this Moshiach thing for real? We’ve been waiting for so many years and talking about it for so many years, is it a real thing even?


To quote Fiddler on the Roof:
Motel: Rabbi, we’ve been waiting for the Messiah all our lives. Wouldn’t now be a good time for him to come?
Rabbi: I guess we’ll have to wait someplace else.




So here it goes… And I hope you’ll join me on Shabbos later afternoon at 7:00 as we close out Pesach with the traditional Moshiach Meal.


In fact, Moshiach is the purpose of all of Judaism and Creation itself. Either the whole thing is the real deal or we may as well throw the towel in.


The reason for this is that when Hashem created the world the Midrash tells us that G-d desired to have a dwelling place on this earth.


Being at home, means you can be as you are. No facades, no special wardrobes for weather, work or impressions.


Right now and since the sin of Adam and Eve, Hashem is hidden in the physical clothing and facade of the world. That means we live life and go about our business as if the world operates on its own. But, when you dig in, we quickly realize that everything has a Divine orchestration.


The saying there are no atheists in a foxhole, represents this idea in the extreme. When things get rough we have no choice but to turn to the Source who can really help out. When things are good and regular we take for granted that there is a Divine Conductor.


So if G-d created the world for this ultimate purpose and gave us the Torah which are the tools for us to be able to achieve this purpose then it concludes that until Moshiach comes the job is not complete and the purpose of creation is not complete.




We can use the microcosm of the Egyptian exile and the Exodus as an example. If the purpose of slavery was an end to itself then we would have never been redeemed. But since the purpose was all a prelude to the Revelation at Sinai and the Jewish People becoming a nation, the slavery had an end.


All of Jewish history is a build up to this final purpose.




And yet we still wait, why are we any different than those generations that came before us? Why is it going to happen in our time and it didn’t happen in the times of those great ones?


The answer is precisely because of that. We have all of their good compounded with ours, and so we stand like tiny people on the shoulders of giants!




And yet we still wait…


When you love someone and have absolute trust in them, you wait even though they are late, very late.


Since we love Hashem and trust Him, we wait. Not waiting idly though, each day we take action to bring Moshiach a little closer, a little faster.




So let’s not wait any longer, let’s take action together, let’s tell Hashem, enough is enough, it’s time, we’ve waiting long enough!


Have a wonderful end of Pesach, wonderful Shabbat and I hope to see you at the Moshiach feast!

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