
Ode To The Mainstay

Jan 23 2019

Ode To The Mainstay

Moses speaks first to the women and then to the men. He affirms a truth evident today more than ever; the Jewish woman is the mainstay of the home.


He speaks in terms of conversation, engagement with the women. With the men he speaks in terms of instruction, command.


It’s quite obvious without our women, we men would not be here. But, in truth if not for our women we would not only not physically be here but man would have long ago consumed each other.


King Solomon in his famous Aishes Chayil offers the praises of the woman. In it he recognizes the many facets of life, from the most basic needs of life to the most sophisticated all anchored and provided for by the woman, the mainstay of the home. Listen to a hipster’ized version here. (Thank you Nick for sharing this with me!)


I share this because the source for Moses speaking first to the women and then the men is from this week’s Torah portion.


Additionally, this weekend is the annual conference of the Shluchos, Chabad emissaries in NY. The Rebbe highlighted this truth of the Torah and changed the role of Jewish women in the Chabad community and by extension in the Jewish world.


This Shabbos blesses the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe’s wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushkah. The Rebbetzin made the sacrifice of agreeing to give her husband to the Chasidim, to the Jewish People. She exemplified the very meaning of living a life of sacrifice.


Please read more about the Rebbetzin here.
Please read about the Jewish Women here and find articles by Dena as well.


With blessings for a great Shabbos!

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