
Korach in Time

Jun 13 2018

Korach in Time

The mutiny of Korach in our Torah portion is classified as the model quarrel of our tradition. What was Korach’s quarrel is the basis of great discussions worth exploring here.


In this article I want to capture a basic aspect of his quarrel and derive a practical message for this Shabbos. I hope you’ll read to the end and capitalize on the unique spiritual energy available to you this Shabbos.


Korach, who belonged to the Levite family, challenged the appointment of Aaron to the position of High Priest. He argued that the entire congregation is holy so, “why do you lift yourself up over the congregation of Hashem?”.


Korach limited the uniqueness of the Jewish People and the different roles that we play. He downplayed the uniqueness of each individual wanting to meld everybody into one. A kind of relative morality, everything and anything goes, as long as it is on “my” terms. This was evident from Korach’s argument that the position of High Priest should be given to him.


This argument of melding of all people can manifest itself in the melding of time. All time is the same, Sunday and Shabbos are one. Yom Kippur and January 15 are the same.


In fact, this flies in the face of the same divisions that G-d created in this world defining uniqueness in every aspect of creation and in every individual. Hashem created separation of time providing different days and different eras as possessing greater holiness, great opportunity for Divine connection.


Some of these special times are determined by the Torah and others are determined by the spiritual events that transpire on those days.


This Shabbos is the 3rd of Tammuz the 24th anniversary of the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, my teacher, my Rebbe and the leader of our generation.


The Rebbe would often quote the teachings of our Sages that on the day of the passing of a Tzadik all of his accomplishments are elevated and all those connected with the Rebbe and his activities are elevated as well.


The choice is ours as to whether we wish to take note and enter into that experience.


I invite you to join me as we capitalize on the uniquely spiritual nature of the 3rd of Tammuz and of this Shabbos.


There are traditions associated with the Rebbe’s yurzeit, I encourage you to review them here.


I invited you to join me this Shabbos for the study of a discourse of the Rebbe at 8:30 followed by morning services. At the conclusion of the services we’ll have a special Kiddush and Farbrengen. A Farbrengen is a gathering of inspiration, a specific instruction of the Rebbe for us to participate on a special day like this.

Together we’ll sing songs, share stories of the Rebbe, words of inspiration and capitalize on the energy to bring blessing into our lives and loved ones. Blessings of good health, livelihood and nachas.


My best wishes for a good Shabbos and I look forward to greeting you.

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