
All who are hungry…

Mar 21 2018

All who are hungry…

We’re all very familiar with the four sons or four children of the Seder (you can read a deeper insight into the Seder and the four sons by Dena here).


Did you know there’s a fifth son or fifth child? And I have news for you! You actually know that person.


You see the fifth child is the child who is not present at the Seder.


It’s not that they are not wise and have rationally concluded that there is no need to go to a Seder. Because they are wise.


It’s not that they are wicked and are intentionally not coming to the Seder. Because they are good peoples.


It’s not that they are simple and are not ‘with it’ enough to know where to find out about the Seder. Because they are plugged into the culture around us.


It’s not that they are spiritually immature and don’t know how to ask. Because they are quite developed spiritually.


The reason they are not at the Seder is simply because no one invited them.


You see, the fifth child knows they are Jewish but that’s all they know. No one told them that wisdom and spirituality, connection and profound meaning is found right in the very tradition that is their birthright. Deep down each of these souls are hungry for the Jewish connection and community you already know.


Now how many such Jews do you know? They’re your neighbor, your co-worker, doctor, accountant, hair stylist and shelf stocker. They’re someone who is connected to your soul by virtue of your birthright.


This Passover, you will sit with your family at your Seder as will Jews all over Atlanta. Let’s make sure that those fifth children are sitting at our tables too.




After World War II there was a thought to establish a new tradition to set a chair at the Seder but to leave it open. This would be a memorial for the 6 Million who will no longer sit at the Seder.


The Lubavitcher Rebbe was asked his opinion on this idea. The Rebbe answered that if we want to memorialize those that perished in the holocaust, and more importantly to perpetuate their memory, the way to do this was to fill that empty chair with someone who otherwise would not be at a Seder.




Next week, on Tuesday, March 27 we’ll celebrate the Rebbe’s 116th Birthday. Consider giving the Rebbe a gift this year. The gift of perpetuating Judaism by filling that seat at your Seder.


As you make your plans this week and next for your Seder, please set an extra seat and make sure that it is filled with someone who may not be at a Seder otherwise.


With blessing for a Happy and Kosher Pesach!


Ps. If you know someone who needs a Seder, please send them to us You can also sell your Chometz at that URL as well as link to other pertinent Pesach info.

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