
It’s That Time of the Year – Resolutions

Jan 17 2018

It’s That Time of the Year – Resolutions

Have you paid attention to your inbox (digital and mail)? Are you getting those January solicitations to join the gym? Try out the newest diet? Join a new business coaching program?


January is a milestone in time; the end of one year, the start of a new one. People reflect on things they wished they had accomplished, feel guilty about the midline bulge and resolve that “this year” it’s going to be different. Hence, the capitalization of your emotional roller coaster by the companies of the world.


So when is a resolution a good one and when is a commitment to change an authentic and sustainable commitment?


The Rebbe draws an inference from this week’s Torah portion to determine that a resolution to percolate and integrate into the person in a fashion of commitment is 4 days!


In this week’s Torah portion we read of the instruction to the Jewish People to take a sheep or lamb for the Passover sacrifice on the 10th of Nissan. The offering would be brought on the 14th. Thus there would be 4 days of consideration as to whether to go through with the offering or not.


Why the big challenge? The sheep was worshiped by the Egyptians. The Jews having been slaves for so long needed to break out of their slave mentality. The first step is to stand up to your captors, to no longer be afraid of them, to realize that your freedom transcends the whip of the taskmaster.


This is an internal transformation that needs to take place and the taking of the sheep, not being intimidated from the Egyptians was the first step.


What are you enslaved to? What are your first steps in breaking free?

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