
Kiddush Sponsors 2017-18

Kiddush Sponsors 2017-18

August 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
513 AvVa’etchananR’ Avrohom Gewirtz, Loeb and Planer families, Steve Howard, Burton Brody and Denise MarcellusIn honor of Chabad Intown.
1220 AvEikev
1927 AvRe’ehFred and Nancy MarcusIn honor of the yurzeit of the Tosher Rebbe.
264 ElulShoftimDavid Lazan &  Lisa Morton.In honor of Chabad Intown and in honor of Leo Brodsky.

September 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
211 ElulKi Teitzei
918 ElulKi Tavo
1625 ElulNitzavim-Vayelech Marc Gault In honor & memory of his mother Ida Gault, whose yahrzeit is 26 Elul.
233 TishreiHa’azinu

October 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
717 TishreiSukkot David Lazan In honor of Chabad Intown
1424 TishreiBereishit
211 CheshvanNoach Ben Adler In honor of his Bar Mitzvah anniversary.
288 CheshvanLech-Lecha Avrohom & Sara Gewirtz In honor of the birth of their new great granddaughters, and Avrohom’s birthday.

November 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
415 CheshvanVayeiraSteven HowardIn honor of Matthew Howard’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary and welcoming our new Rabbi and Rebbitzen and Rabbi Moshe
1122 CheshvanChayei SarahLenny and Lani Mogilevich In honor of Chabad Intown
1829 CheshvanToldotLeib Siegel In honor of his mother Sara Siegel’s Yurzeit.
257 KislevVayeitzeiDavid Lazan In honor of Chabad Intown

December 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
214 KislevVayishlach Steven LapaIn honor of Michael and Amy Siegel.
921 KislevVayeishev Joy MaxeyIn honor of the Yahrzeit of Jeri (Shaina Devora) Rosenblum Carr
1628 KislevMikeitz Merrill DraluckIn honor of Chabad Intown.
235 TevetVayigash David LazanIn honor of his son Hunter’s bar mitzvah.
3012 TevetVayechi

January 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
619 TevetShemot Benjamin AdlerIn honor of his father’s Yortzeit.
1326 TevetVa’eira Lisa MortonIn honor of Chabad Intown
204 ShevatBo
2711 ShevatBeshalach Maria Goodall In honor of her children, Michelle & Maxim’s birthdays.

February 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
318 ShevatYitro Michael and Mindy Planer In honor of Michael’s Bar Mitzvah portion
1025 ShevatMishpatim Michael Siegel In honor of the Yahrzeit of Baruch Ben Avraham (Mike’s father)
172 AdarTerumah Lenny Mogilevich In honor of Chabad Intown.
249 AdarTetzaveh Steven Howard In honor of his daughter’s wedding.

March 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
316 AdarKi TisaMarc Gault In honor of Chabad Intown
1023 AdarVayak’hel-Pekudei
171 NissanVayikraLenny Mogilevich In honor of Chabad Intown
248 NissanTzav
3115 NissanPassoverKaren George & Lisa Morton In honor of Chabad Intown

April 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
722 NissanPassover
1429 NissanShemini
216 IyarTazria-Metzora Maria Goodal and Andy Courtnay, and Rabbi Zalmy and Chaya GoldbergIn honor of Mina’s Birthday, and in honor of the birth of their daughter.
2813 IyarAcharei-Kedoshim David LazanIn honor of the B’Nai Mitzvah of Ian and David Lazan.

May 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
520 IyarEmor
1227 IyarBehar-Bechukotai Mr. and Mrs. Gewirtz In honor of their parents Yurzeits
195 SivanBamidbar
2612 SivanNaso

June 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
219 SivanBehaalotecha Ory and Esther Abramowicz In honor of the birth of their new baby.
926 SivanShlach Scott and Linda Diamond In memory of Moshe ben Aaron, a”h
163 TammuzKorach Douglas and Juliet SiegelIn honor of Chabad Intown.
2310 TammuzChukat Steve HowardIn honor of Barbara and Murray Howard in celebration of her 87th birthday, and their 65th wedding anniversary
3017 TammuzBalak Benjamin Adler In memory of Bejamin’s Uncle Cantor Nathan T. Adler and his wife Penina.

July 2018

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
724 TammuzPinchas Marc Gault In Memory of my his dad’s yahrzeit on 26 Tammuz.
142 AvMatot-Massei
219 AvDevarim Veronica Kraus In memory of Stephan Fabian.
2816 AvVa’etchanan David Lazan In honor of the 65th Anniversary of Marion and Nathaniel Lazan