
Kiddush Sponsors 2016-17

Kiddush Sponsors 2016-17

August 2016

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
62 AvMatot-MasseiBen AdlerIn memory of Chazzen Natan Tuvyah Adler
139 AvDevarimMaya SteinIn honor of her upcoming wedding
2016 AvVa’etchanan Barry and Carol SherrillIn honor of Chabad
2723 ElulEikevFred and Donna HerbertIn honor of their daughter’s visit from Israel

September 2016

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
330 AvRe’ehFred and Nancy MarcusIn honor of the 1st Yortzeit of the Toshe Rebbe ztz”l.
107 ElulShoftim

Eddie Kovell

In honor of his Jewish journey.
1714 ElulKi Teitzei Joshua & Mortimer KaufmanEveryone who welcomed our family so warmly one year ago when we first walked in to Intown Chabad. We miss you all!
2421 ElulKi Tavo Marc GaultIn honor of his mother’s yurzeit

October 2016

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
128 ElulNitzavimAbraham and Sara GewirtzIn honor of Chabad Intown.
86 TishreiVayelech

Lisa Morton

In honor of Chabad Intown.
1513 TishreiHa’azinuMichael and Mindy Planer

In honor of Austin’s Bar Mitzvah Anniversary

2220 TishreiSukkotEddie KovellIn honor of Chabad Intown.
2927 TishreiBereishitAri and Maggie GlezerIn honor of Mathan’s Bar Mitzvah Anniversary

November 2016

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
54 CheshvanNoach Ben Adler & Assia MillerIn honor Ben Adler’s Bar Mitzvah anniversary, and in honor of Lydia’s Bat Mitzvah.
1211 CheshvanLech-LechaMaria Goodal and Andy CourtneyIn honor of the Birthday of Maxim Goodal
1918 CheshvanVayeira Sara Levy In honor of Chabad Intown.
2525 CheshvanChayei SarahLeib and Chana SiegelIn honor of Sara Siegel’s Yurzeit.

December 2016

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
33 KislevToldotKaren GeorgeIn honor of Chabad Intown.
1010 KislevVayeitzeiJoy MaxeyIn honor of the Yahrzeit of Jeri (Shaina Devora) Rosenblum Carr.
1717 KislevVayishlachLenny and Lany MogelivichIn honor of Chabad Intown.
2424 KislevVayeishevHoward Kaufman and Charna PerloeIn honor of Howard’s Birthday.
312 TevetMikeitz Sara Levy In honor of Chabad Intown.

January 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
79 TevetVayigash
1416 TevetVayechiChristy AriasIn honor of Hashem
2123 TevetShemotMaria Goodal & Andy CourtneyIn honor of the birthday of Michelle Goodal
281 ShevatVa-eyraBen AdlerIn honor of My father, Mordechai Adler’s yurzeit

February 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
48 ShevatBoLenny MogilevichIn honor of Khanna bat milkah.
1115 ShevatBeshallach
1822 ShevatYitroAndrew VerblowIn honor of Andrew Verblow’s Bar Mitzvah
2529 ShevatMishpatimMichael SiegelIn honor of the Yahrzeit of Baruch Ben Avraham (Mike’s father).

March 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
46 AdarTerumah Charna Perloe In honor of the Yahrzeit of Menachem ben Moshe.
1113 AdarTetzaveh Laivi Freundlich In honor of Chabad Intown.
1820 AdarKi Tisa
2527 AdarVayak’hel-Pekudei HAMSA In honor of Chabad Intown.

April 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
15 NissanVayikra Ben Adler In honor of my Mother, Bertha Adler’s yurzeit.
812 NissanTzav Howard Kaufman In honor of Marilyn Kaufman.
1519 NissanPassover Leonid Mogilevich In honor of the Shusterman’s, the Chazzan, the Rebbe.
2226 NissanShemini
293 IyarTazria-MetzoraMaria Goodal Andy CourtneyIn honor of the birthday of Mina Courtney

May 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
610 IyarAcharei-Kedoshim Steven Howard
1317 IyarEmor
2024 IyarBehar-Bechukotai Marc Gault In honor of the conclusion of Kaddish for his cousin.
272 SivanBamidbar R’ Avrohom Gewirtz In honor of his father’s yurzeit.

June 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
39 SivanNaso Sherry Stahler In honor of C-Teen Seniors.
1016 SivanBehaalotecha
1723 SivanShlach Sara LevyIn memory of Miriam Levy Bat Sara Chaya.
2430 SivanKorach Jeff and Heather PearlmanIn honor of Gimmel Tammuz.

July 2017

DateHebrew DateParshaSponsored byOccasion
17 TammuzChukat Amy and Mike Siegel In honor of Chabad Intown.
814 TammuzBalak Lenny and Lani MogilevicIn honor of Chabad Intown.
1521 TammuzPinchas Marc GaultIn honor of his father Howard Gault’s yahrzeit.
2228 TammuzMatot-MasseiBenjamin AdlerIn honor of his uncle, Cantor Nathan Adler (Nosen Tuvya ben reb Yisroeil) Z”L.
296 AvDevarimFred and Nancy MarcusIn honor of Joey’s Bar Mitzvah