
Sukkot 2018

September 23 - 30

The holiday of Sukkot commemorate the miraculous protection of the “clouds of glory” during the forty years our ancestors traversed the Sinai Desert. Ever since, we remember G‑d’s kindness and reaffirm our trust in His providence by dwelling in a sukkah–a hut of temporary construction with a roof covering of branches–for the duration of the Sukkot festival.


During Sukkot we also taking of the Four Kinds: an ethrog (citron), a lulav (palm frond), three hadassim (myrtle twigs) and two aravot (willow twigs). On each day of the festival (excepting Shabbat), we take the Four Kinds, recite a blessing over them, bring them together in and wave them in all directions. Our sages tell us that the Four Kinds represent the various types and personalities that comprise the community of Israel, whose intrinsic unity we emphasize on Sukkot.


The holiday season concludes with Shhmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah in which we conclude the reading of the annual cycle of the Torah and begin anew. It is celebrated with dancing known as Hakafot. The overall theme of the Sukkot, Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah holidays is one of joy. We hope you’ll celebrate with us throughout this season.

Sukkot Events at Chabad Intown

Please join us in our Sukkah for a bite to eat (sushi), Lchaim and good spirit! More Info

View our full service & candle lighting schedule. More Info

Order your lulav and ethrog today to prepare for Sukkot! More Info

View our schedule of events and join us to celebrate Shmini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. More Info

Unleash Your Inner “Mad Scientist” To Make Your Own Cloud Slime, Stem Sukkah, And More! More Info

Celebrate Sukkot with an Open Bar and Delicious Sushi while enjoying great company and enjoying the fine music of the Afro-Klezmer Band. More Info