
Joseph’s Healing Instructions


Rabbi Schusterman


January 2, 2020


Joseph remains my hero. A hero of self control, a hero or positive outlook on life, a hero of not bearing resentments, many things that I strive for and struggle with.

The following idea shared by Dr. Susskind put here in my own words takes this appreciation for Joseph to a new level.

At the end of last week’s Torah portion, Benjamin is caught with Joseph’s royal goblet and has been accused of stealing. As a consequence he is to become a servant to Joseph. His brothers say, no we will all be servants. And Joseph concludes by saying, “Heaven forfend, the one who stole the goblet will my servant and the rest of you go up in peace to your father”.

The scene switches abruptly and Judah approaches Joseph and proceeds to give a monologue as to what had transpired and what will happen to their father Jacob if Benjamin is not brought back. It is a heartfelt and sensitive plea with profound consideration for the pain of their father Jacob.

Joseph is moved to reveal himself to his brothers and indeed does so.  

However a few weeks back when Joseph’s brother admit their regret for having sold Joseph, and the Torah tells us that Joseph is moved to tears he is does not reveal himself to his brothers. When all 10 brothers express remorse it doesn’t move him over the edge but with Judah’s monologue it does. Why?

The answer lies in Joseph’s last words to his brothers in last week’s portion. Go up in peace to your father.  Perhaps Joseph wasn’t instructing them to go anywhere. He was instructing them to look deeply into their hearts and go up in peace internally to their father.  

When relationships become fragmented it is most often because the inner bond, the inner connection, the spark and the flame has gone out. To repair a relationship with all of its intensity once must go back to the core. Yes, apologies and amends are necessary, but to rebuild one needs to go back to the source and the core of relationship.

When Judah went back to the core of his essential relationship with his father, his heart spoke words that expressed that he had returned to the core of his relationship with his father.  

Joseph heard those words and was moved to the point of revelation.

Any worthwhile relationship has struggle at times.  To truly repair the struggle one needs to return to the core of the relationship and rebuild from within.

Good Shabbos

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