
I know


Rabbi Schusterman


October 19, 2023


Challenges, Faith, Israel

I know how you are feeling because I am a Jew.
I know the wonder and curiosity if your friends and neighbors are really anti semitic or are ready to be outspoken in support.
I know the feeling of considering whether I should allow myself a personal pleasure and if I should be happy when our brothers and sisters are on the front line in Israel.
I know the experience of reading an opinion piece and breaking out in body wracking tears.
I know the feeling of being paralyzed at my desk in absolute disbelief that we are living in a world where evil has shown its head again.
I know the feeling of disbelief that we live in a world where blatant anti semitism still exists and here in the USA no less.

I know the faith I have in Hashem and despite my lack of understanding, my faith that there is a Masterplan.
I know the strength of prayer, of a Mitzvah both of the 613 kind and a regular act of kindness, kind.
I know the inherent bond that every Jew has with each other, and that that bond will strengthen in the days ahead.
I know that our brothers and sisters in Israel are relying on us for strength and positivity, I know this because I see their videos and requests and I know this because I know the soul of the Jew.
I know the Neshama of the Jew and the Neshama of the Jewish People because I am one and I am part of them.

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