Footsteps in the Sand
Chabad Intown
February 14, 2018
Challenges, Lifestyle
I’m not sure the origin but y’all are familiar with the poem about the person who is walking with G-d and sees two footprints and then as the going gets difficult only sees one footprint. Wondering the person asks G-d where were you in the most difficult times? G-d answers I was carrying you.
According to Jewish tradition Hashem is always carrying us; in good times and rough times. The challenge is to us to open our eyes to see that indeed Hashem is there. The more we recognize that Hashem is holding our hand, supporting us the easier the journey becomes.
In this week’s Torah portion we are introduced to the construction of the Mishkan. At one point G-d instructs Moses “and you shall set up the Mishkan according to the guidelines that I “showed” you on the mountain.”
The commentators wonder how it could be that Moses picked up and assembled the beams each 1 1/5 cubits x 10 cubits. Approximately 2 feet wide x 15 feet high, that needed to be plugged into sockets and poles set up inside the wall and along the exterior of the wall. Suffice it to say that this is not human feat.
The Sages learn from the word “showed” in the above verse, that Moses actually only moved his hands as if he was assembling the Mishkan and in reality it was Hashem who “showed” and established the walls.
The reality of life is that we have to do our part to pick up the walls that seem impossible to lift. It is our job to do our part in assembling a home for G-d on this world. It may seem like a hopeless endeavor. The world is a challenging place and doesn’t always seem welcoming to the idea of it being a garden or a home for Hashem.
Nonetheless, our job is to build and Hashem’s job is to actually set it up. So what kind of home are you going to build for Hashem today?

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