


Chabad Intown


February 1, 2017


Healing, leader, Rebbe

To be en-light-ened is to have light in your life where others have darkness.


In this week’s Torah portion the Jews were enlightened during the plague of darkness. The verse states “and to all the Children of Israel there was light in their abodes”.


King David tells us that there are those that have eyes but don’t see, ears that don’t hear, etc. We may think the world is filled with light but in reality there are those that live in darkness.


The distinction between living in darkness or light is often associated with one’s own level of enlightenment. In other words, the world may be dark or it may not be, but whether you live in darkness or not is determined by how enlightened you are.


To be enlightened requires outside help.


This week on Sunday night we will commemorate the 67th anniversary of the 10th of Shevat, the day that the Rebbe OBM assumed the leadership of the Chabad movement.


The Rebbe was many things to many people, an influence of countries and the direction of history. But for me the Rebbe was a source of enlightenment. The Rebbe provided the tools for me and many others (and in fact you as well, my dear reader) to be enlightened; to rise out of the darkness of the world around us and see the depth of G-d’s presence and our purpose in our stay upon this earth.


Until this very day we continue to have the choice as to whether we will allow that enlightenment to illuminate our darkness.


This Sunday night I will give thanks for the gift of light and the gift of the Rebbe.


I hope you will join me as well in this endeavor. Read more about the Rebbe here.

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