
Drop In Please šŸ™


Rabbi Schusterman


August 30, 2024


Challenges, Change, Faith, Freedom, identity, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Loving-Kindness, Relationships, Trust

I heard this term recently and I’m loving it. It’s such a great visual for a deeply personal experience.Ā 


The termĀ was used repeatedly by an interviewee on a podcast about how he relates to his inner world – the world of thought, emotion and self awareness.


He “drops in” to; a pleasant feeling, a confusing thought, discomfort, a prayer he is saying and so on.


Dropping in connotes the notion of being with something without judgement. Being open to hearing what the message really is.


(Let me give an example; right now I’m trying to write an example and I’ve written and rewritten this sentence seven or eight times. Instead of getting frustrated with myself, or just ignoring the discomfort and pushing through it, I’m dropping in…….


Here is what I’ve discovered. The examples that I wrote and rewrote were to share something that happened yesterday on a flight that I was on to NY. Now, I’m on the plane back. I’m struggling with sharing that piece of information because there is very little of my personal life as a Rabbi that doesn’t get shared publicly. So, my hesitation is my preserving some of that privacy.


While my discomfort is understandable, when dropping in, I’m asking myself why indeed am I needing to preserve that privacy? What is the story that I tell myself about privacy, about myself, about my role, etc. that sparks this.


So when dropping in, I become present and perhaps learn something about myself or the messaging contained in a given experience.


BTW I was in NY for my nieces engagement party :-))


There is so much to drop into. Prayer. Relationships with others. Relationship with G-d. Attitudes towards health and finances.


This Shabbos blesses the month of Elul.Ā 


The letters of the word Elul are the initial letters,Ā in Hebrew, of the wordsĀ ā€œIna Leyodo VeSamti Lechaā€Ā ā€œ[Gā€‘d] caused it to happen, and I will provide [a place] for you [to which he can flee].ā€


This is connected to the cities of refuge. The full background can be ready at length here.


The idea is that the things we experience are G-d’s way of causing it to happen. And G-d provides the place (the dropping in) for us to take the time to be present and recognize what G-d’s intentions are with this experience.


As Elul starts and we hear the sound of the Shofar it is Hashem’s call to us; Please come spend some time with me. I’m giving you 40 days (beginning of Elul through Yom Kippur) to take some time for yourself and Us and let’s deepen our relationship.


For me this year the spirit of Elul brings up intense conflicting feelings and thoughts around the difficulties our People have faced since October 7th. I suspect the same is for you. I’m going to drop into those feelings and thoughts and see where that takes me in strengthening my connection to Hashem, the Jewish People, the Land of Israel and in a very deep way to all those in Israel who have been deeply impacted by the journey this year.


I’m now going to drop into the deep wishes I have for you and for all of our People that the New Year be one filled with joy, healing, love and happiness and real peace for Israel and all of mankind.


With all my love, and blessings for Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova!


Rabbi Eliyahu SchustermanĀ Ā 


Ps. Please plan to drop in for a couple of hours in a spirit of joy and unity on September 20th for Shabbat 180.Ā  Sign up here to join us for this healing and connecting community event!

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