
Dedicated Leadership


Rabbi Schusterman


June 23, 2020


3 Tammuz, Challenges, Faith, Inspiration, leader, Rebbe

Today marks the day 26 years ago that the Lubavitcher Rebbe passed away.  There are many of the Rebbe’s teachings whose wisdom and foresight is applicable now more than ever.

A Rebbe however is more than his teachings.  A Rebbe is a living example of our connection to Hashem.  That is why Chasidim connect so strongly to a Rebbe, because in that relationship, our connection to Hashem is actualized.

The first Rebbe, Moshe demonstrated an aspect of profound leadership in this week’s Torah portion that we can apply to the Rebbe and we can internalize for ourselves on this special occasion.

There were two individuals who challenged Moses’ throughout the years of his leadership.  When Moshe was 20, they slandered to Pharaoh and Moses’ life was miraculously saved causing him to leave for Midian for 60 years.

Later, they are the ones who suggest to return to Egypt after the Spies’ negative report.  However, it is only in the story of the Korach rebellion that we learn their names.  Dathan and Aviram.  They join Korach in his campaign against Moses and the Torah singles them out.

Hashem instructs Moshe to remove himself from the presence of Korach, his congregation of 250 and Dathan and Aviram as the decree against them was already sealed.  

The Torah then says “and Moses got up”.  The commentaries tell us that Moses got up to appease these rabble rousers.  But why? The decree against them had been sealed.  The moment of retribution for these two who tormented Moshe was at hand.  Why did he get up and what was he hoping to accomplish?

The answer is that he is Moses.  Moses never lets his people go. Even those who challenge his very leadership he still cares for and loves and sees their shortcomings as just that. Their essence remains good and pure.

Moses got up with the hope that by approaching them and demonstrating their continued value despite their shortcomings, they would find it within themselves to correct their ways.

Unfortunately they didn’t hear the message.  However, the message for us is clear.  Each of us are valued, we were and are valued by the Rebbe.  The Rebbe like a loving father assured us that we are precious to Hashem regardless of what might have happened yesterday.  That each of us are of a part of Hashem’s master plan with our strengths and weaknesses.  That each of us can change the world if we choose to just step up.

I live each day with this message.  The Rebbe valued me to be his Shliach, his emissary here in Atlanta. The Rebbe allowed for me to be part of his vision and mission to bring Moshiach. And the Rebbe charged me and every Shliach out there to ensure that this message is passed on to you, dear reader. 

You are of eternal value, you are part of Hashem’s master plan, you can change the world, it’s in your hands!

May the Rebbe’s memory be a blessing for all of us!

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