
Dancing Shoes/Work Shoes


Rabbi Schusterman


September 30, 2021


Change, Holidays, Lifestyle

A traditional greeting at this time of year is “and Jacob went on his way” or as we like to say at home “hit the road Jack”*!  It represents the idea that as we close out the High Holiday season, tanked up on all the holy energies of the holidays and powerful celebrations, we now have to return to the regular day to day work of life.

The statement is an inspiration; And Jacob went on his way.  Despite the many challenges he expected to face in Charan, after G-d promised him a safe journey and return he went with a lightness, confident that he’d be successful. 

Our version of this “hit the road Jack” is also an instruction.  It has been inspirational, fun and uplifting spending this much time with G-d, family and in a spirit of holiness.  We’ve been in a different world. And while that world is holy and uplifting, it’s not where life is meant to be lived.  Life is lived in the day to day making the very physical world a more G-dly and goodly place.

It is thus very appropriate that this Shabbos blesses the month of Cheshvan, a month that is known for its dark skies, rainy weather and no Jewish holidays. Our job is to bring light and joy into the most physical and mundane of spaces.

So, hit the road Jack, take off your dancing shoes, or keep them on and let’s dance into the road of life filled with positive energy and Hashems’ Blessings.

Good Shabbos

This idea comes from Dena Schusterman’s article.

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