Thank you for your support!

Chabad is funded locally by people like you who benefit and respect the outreach efforts of our organization. 100% of funds donated are used here in Atlanta to support the activities of Chabad Intown. There are many ways to help Chabad Intown’s outreach efforts. Please click on one of the links to see how you can help. All contributions to Chabad Intown are 100% tax deductible. Chabad Intown is an approved 501(c)3. Speak to your CPA to see how your contribution and the contribution of “stock” benefit you.

Make a good old fashioned donation

Sponsor a Kiddush
Enjoy Kiddush at Chabad Intown!
A Kiddush is a festive, informal catered buffet enjoyed at the conclusion of morning services on Shabbat and holidays. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion, or commemorate the Yahrzeit of a loved one, by sponsoring a Kiddush!

Donate a Car!
Have you tried selling your car lately? How frustrating!
When you donate a car with Chabad Intown you will:
- Qualify for your lawful IRS tax deduction for the fair market value
- Get free vehicle pick-up whether your car to donate is running or not (restrictions apply)
- Avoid all the headaches of selling a used car; no expensive want ads, no taking phone calls, no showing the car repeatedly, no price haggling…
- Help us and help yourself at the same time!

Donate Goods
Have any of these items?
These items are good for a tax deduction. All proceeds going to Chabad Intown.
Gold, Silver or Pewter, Pocket Knives, Crystal, Paperweights, Wedgwood, Depression or Carnival Glass, Antique Scent / perfume Bottles, Hummel, Limited Edition Prints, Bronze Figurines, Thomas Kinkade, Original Artwork, Ceramic Figurines, Beatrix Potter, Cross Stitch Samplers / Completed Cross Stitch Pieces, Antique Butter or Cookie Molds, Chokin Art, Antique Clocks, Micro Mosaic Jewelry or Art, Grandma Moses, Pocket Watches, Antique Gillett Style razors, Toleware, Antique Costume Jewelry, Braun Shavers, Delftware, Disney Photocells, Morano Glass, Nortaki / Mikasa, Military Medals, Lenox

Giving at Home
A Tzedakah (Charity) box (known as a “pushkah”) is a traditional part of the Jewish home, reminding us to care and give a little every day, even if you have already made a pledge or gave at the office. A Tzedakah Box waits on a shelf saying: “I remember, I care, I am involved!” It’s the little things in life that count and that make a lot of sense (and dollars too). Every dime, quarter and dollar you give is a mitzvah connecting us to G-d and our fellow man. In today’s world, we need more mitzvot than ever. It doesn’t matter where or how much you give, just make Tzedakah part of your day. For a pushka box, please call our office at 404-898-0434.

Advertise in our Calendar or Newsletter
Each year our beautiful art calendar, featuring striking Jewish Art from artists all over the world, is printed and mailed to over 2,500 homes and business in the Metro Atlanta area, free of charge. Consider supporting our calendar campaign.