
Living the Miraculous Naturally


Rabbi Schusterman


June 16, 2023


Change, Lifestyle, Rebbe

We are truly a miraculous people living on this earth. Everything about us says we should have been extinct a long time ago – as the famous Mark Twain poem goes.
Mark Twain asks What is the secret of his immortality?”
Perhaps the answer lies in this week’s Torah portion.
In the opening of the Parsha, Hashem instructs Moses regarding the desire to send spies, “shelach lecha” send for yourself. The commentators tell us that Hashem said you do as you see fit.
Now Moshe who is a faithful servant of Hashem would only have sent the spies if it was in line with Hashem’s desire. 
If that is the case, why did Hashem not command them to send the spies but instead left it to Moses’ decision.
The secret of our eternity is that we live with two feet on the ground even as our hearts, minds and beliefs direct us to the highest of heavens.
We are miraculous beings living in a physical world.   As long as we remember we are miraculous we can engage in this paradox of being in this physical world. 
Hashem wanted Moshe and the Jewish People to engage in the physical dimension of checking out the land and strategizing the best approach to conquering it.  This was the physical aspect. And they needed to own this through their own efforts not Divine instruction.
The miraculous aspect is the faith that if Hashem says we are to enter the Land He will ensure our success even if it requires above nature assistance.
The Spies lacked the dedication to Moshe and by extension to Hashem.  Their approach was only the human side, their own physical strength and so they failed in their mission concluding that it would not be possible to actually conquer Israel. 
We are a miraculous people living in a natural world. We are a paradox!  That is the secret of our eternity.
This Shabbos blesses the 28th Yurzeit of the Rebbe.  The Rebbe was a brilliant strategist on how to revive Jewish life.  The Rebbe was a master of understanding the human condition.  The Rebbe was a guide to politicians, leaders and regular folk.  This was all the physical dimension.
More than anything else though, the Rebbe was a miracle.  He was totally grounded in the most spiritual of places, allowing for Hashem and Torah to guide how he lived his life and the direction he gave to others.
Please join us this Shabbos for a day of dedication to the Rebbe. I hope to see you there.
Good Shabbos!

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