
Thank G-d (all the time)!


Rabbi Schusterman


January 9, 2025


Challenges, Faith, Freedom, identity, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Loving-Kindness, Rebuilding, Relationships

I love to believe in G-d when everything is going good. Kind of like saying, I love marriage when everything is going smoothly. Or I love my kids (when they’re sleeping) when they’re doing all the right things.
That makes sense. But when things get tough am I realizing that Hashem is present there as well? In other words, do I have an awareness of the Divine in every part of my being? Am I aligned and integrated inside myself? 
Upside of being aligned is a more even keeled spirit and mood. A much more balanced equilibrium. 
In this week’s Torah portion, Jacob’s sons gather to receive his parting words. In response to his exhorting them to remain faithful they pronounce together the statement of Jewish faith; “Shema Yisroel – Hear o Israel, the Lo-rd our G-d, the Lo-rd is One!”. They are reassuring their father that they are aligned and committed.
In response Jacob says in not so many words; Now, as we are all gathered here, family is reunited, life is materially good, life is spiritually good, it makes sense that you are professing your faith. But, “Baruch Shem Kevod…” blessed is the name of Hashem forever and ever, in all times, even the challenging ones, remember the core of your faith.
Some people have a tendency to lose their anchoring in challenging times. One can be flooded with helplessness, anxiety and worry. These are the moments to pause, and reaffirm our faith – Shema Yisroel! To remember Who is in charge and that this world is not a jungle.
May Hashem bless us and our crazy world with greater equilibrium so that we are not challenged. May Hashem bless us that when we are challenged we lean into our anchoring of faith and proclaim “Shema Yisroel – Hear o Israel, the Lo-rd our G-d, the Lo-rd is One!”
Good Shabbos and Stay Warm!!!

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