
The Light In Your Dark Places


Rabbi Schusterman


November 29, 2024


Challenges, Children, Death, Faith, Freedom, identity, Inspiration, leader, Lifestyle, Rebuilding, Recovery, Relationships, Trust

An epic scene in the Torah unfolds this week as Jacob puts on his brother’s fuzzy clothing and takes the blessings from Isaac that were intended for Esau.
Rebecca and Isaac have an ongoing debate as to how to bring the most light into the world.  Do you take the brute Esau and create transformation or does Jacob need to take charge and find the Esau within.
Ultimately, the Divine plan plays out in Rebecca’s favor as Jacob succeeds at becoming empowered with the very blessings Isaac intended for Jacob.
Inside each of us there are the light filled spaces – Jacob and the dark spaces – Esau. Esau is destined for transformation.  To achieve that however requires Jacob.
Jacob is an earnest man who sits in the tent of Torah. He is guided by truth, morality and inner strength and courage.
That is the foundation upon which we can look at ourselves and the world around us to achieve transformation.
Don’t judge your dark spaces, they are your Esaus’ waiting to be transformed and illuminated.
Good Shabbos!

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