
I Feel It In My Bones


Rabbi Schusterman


August 23, 2024


Faith, Freedom, identity, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Loving-Kindness, Relationships, Trust

It was meant to be just a quick hello outside Chabad for a friend who was passing by but it ended up becoming a fun deep conversation about spirituality.
In the second chapter of the shema that we read this week, we echo again the words of the first chapter “and you should serve G-d with your whole heart and your entire being”.  Conspicuously missing are the words “with all your might” which presented prominently in the first chapter.
The reason for this is that the second chapter is focused on work, service, whereas the first chapter is focused on love.  Love is something that drives us to serving G-d with all of our might – self sacrifice.  But it doesn’t necessarily reflect the deep inner workings of our being.  
In other words; when we love we are moved to show up for our loved one.  In that process though we don’t necessarily look at the inner workings of our being we just bring them along. 
This presents powerfully in early relationships, when the love is prominent.  As time goes on the love now needs to move into the hard work phase. The hard work phase is not any less loving but it requires respect, boundaries, effort.  

The second chapter of the shema is focused on the work.  And the work requires digging deep into our heart and deep into our spirit to ensure that every layer of it is brought into our connection with Hashem.
We have such a gift today of advances in neuroscience, the ability to understand so much more of the inner workings of the psyche the heart and all the moving pieces of our inner world. 
To serve G-d we must peel away the layers, get deeper and bring every new awareness into our service of G-d.  
How is one to know if the inner work is an excuse for self indulgence and self preoccupation or for a higher purpose? The barometer is if your inner work brings you closer to G-d.  If your connection to G-d and your feelings are bringing you closer to Divine service you are on a good track.  If it is pulling you away, then either there is a lot more work to do, or it is a journey of self indulgence.
The prayer says “all of my essence will speak of Your greatness”.  The Hebrew word for essence is the same as bones.  Do you feel it in your bones? Are you feeling connected to G-d in your essence?
Keep peeling away the layers and you’ll keep finding G-d layer after layer, deeper and deeper.
Good Shabbos!

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