
My Rebbe


Rabbi Schusterman


July 5, 2024


Challenges, Change, Faith, identity, Inspiration, Loving-Kindness, Moses, Rebuilding

One of the students at Kabbalah and Coffee will often ask me how the Chasidic Master or the Kabbalist that I am quoting knew the particular idea I'm quoting. "How did he know that, where did he get that information from?"

There are two answers. The easy one is "tradition, tradition". The Torah was passed down from Moses at Sinai, to Joshua, to the Elders, etc. Included in that transmission were all the teachings of the Torah from the most basic of Jewish laws to the greatest secrets of the universe.

The second answer is much more powerful and particularly relevant to this Shabbos which blesses the week of the 3rd of Tammuz, this year the 30th Yurzeit of the Rebbe.

In a sentence; The Chasidic Masters and the Kabbalists saw "reality" for its deeper dimension. They simply had a different set of glasses and saw things on a much deeper level of truth.

To elaborate; It's pretty obvious that we are living in challenging times. Israel is under attack, leadership around the world is lacking, people are struggling with anxiety that paralyzes their ability to function, addiction is everywhere and all types of it, families and relationships are struggling and the list goes on.

There is one remedy to all of it and it's the one remedy that the Rebbe focused on in every perspective he shared about life, about Torah and in every interaction. Find the Divinity, the G-dliness in the situation, recognize that there is a Conductor who is running things. Look more deeply into yourself and see your truest potential and our own infinite part of G-d and you will be able to navigate all of your challenges.

If you look at this page you'll see a list of topics. Look through them and you'll see the Rebbe's perspective although presented equally for each circumstance all reflect this same point. Which is also the Rebbe's perspective; that everything is a reflection of the Oneness of Hashem.

When I pause and reflect on this 30th Yurzeit, while I am clearly feeling the void on a human level, I also am empowered because I feel the Rebbe's belief in my innermost parts, my Neshama, and my ability in turn to live higher, live more impactfully, more happy, more G-dly! And I am empowered to hope; hope for a brighter future for Israel, for leadership, for healing for society, hope for fulfillment of the Rebbe's dream of a transformed world with Moshiach!

As we enter into this Shabbos that blesses the week of 3 Tammuz, I encourage you to check out the 3 Tammuz website. Also, the day of 3 Tammuz itself is a powerful day with great spiritual energies. Consider taking some time on Tuesday next week to give some extra Tzedakah to causes that were important to the Rebbe (, to offer an extra prayer of thanks for the Rebbe's teachings and a prayer of connection, do an act of kindness with another - a mitzvah to spread the light and love, and I encourage you to write a letter to the Rebbe's ohel asking for Divine blessing.

In closing, if each of us looked a little deeper at ourselves as the Rebbe encouraged, and looked more deeply at others and at the world as a whole we'd see the world a bit more clearly and in turn we'd expose the connection that binds.

Good Shabbos!!

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