
Just Do It! You can!


Rabbi Schusterman


June 21, 2024


Challenges, Change, Faith, identity, Inspiration, Loving-Kindness, Moses, Rebuilding

It's the human condition to make mistakes, to miss out on opportunities, to mess up. But, what holds us back from trying again? And maybe what holds us back from trying again and again?

Take a moment and think about it for yourself......

What are the voices inside of ourselves that prevent us from moving forward?
"I'm not good enough"
"I keep on messing up"
"Will it make a difference?"
And your own here.

In next week's Parsha we read about the spies who say "we were as grasshoppers in our eyes and so we were in theirs' '. Clearly lots of lack of honest self assessment.

In this week's portion we read about the individuals who were carrying the bones of Joseph according to one opinion or those that retrieved the sons of Aaron from the Mishkan when they died. They felt it was unfair that they missed an opportunity to bring the Passover sacrifice because of their state of impurity having come in contact with the dead.

They demanded of Moses for the opportunity to bring the sacrifice and Moses in turn asks Hashem and as a result Passover 2.0 is born as a Mitzvah for all time.

What was the difference between the spies and these individuals?

It is belief in yourself the way G-d believes in you.

Do I see myself as I am on the outside of my core (neshama), with human weakness, flaws and failings? Or do I see myself as Hashem sees me, as a soul with infinite power?!

Our work is to build our core. Building our core is about building our relationship with Hashem. The stronger our core, the stronger "self confidence" read - G-d Confidence - is.

Good Shabbos!!!

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