
Chanukah half full? Or half empty?


Rabbi Schusterman


December 7, 2023


Holidays, Israel

The Mishna records a debate between the School of Shammai and the School of Hillel as to how we kindle the Menorah. Do we begin with 8 and go down based on the remaining number of days - Shammai? Or do we begin with 1 and consider the days that passed and add from there - Hillel?

As we know we follow the instruction of Hillel.

These days as we continue to navigate a painful and difficult time in our history there are two approaches to navigate. The first is the elimination of Evil, both the evil monsters who perpetrate evil and the extensions of that evil in entities and groups who promulgate anti semitism and hatred. The second is to focus on making the world a brighter and more illuminated place so that the darkness will have nowhere to manifest itself.

These are in effect the two approaches of Shammai and Hillel. Shammai says to eliminate darkness in the world and in ourselves we must work on the evil itself. So load up from the beginning with 8 lights. Be empowered to destroy the negative. Once the process is underway, the level of light can go down because not as much is needed.

Hillel on the other hand says that we have to work from within to bring light into the world. Start with one, grow each day, intensify the light until darkness will have nowhere to flourish.

As mentioned the Halacha follows Hillel. Our job is to increase in light, "we are day laborers, laborers of light and in light".

It says that when Moshiach comes the Halacha will shift to follow Shammai.

Our heroic IDF soldiers are focused on the direct elimination of evil and good people everywhere are focused on the institutions who promulgate the negativity to have them eliminated or rehabilitated (depending on how deeply the evil has permeated).

So in a sense our world is following both opinions at this time. Perhaps this is the transitional phase into Moshiach.

I wish you and yours a Happy and Illuminated Chanukah. Light up your inner world, light up the world around you and let's bring down and in the BIG light of Moshiach NOW!

I hope to see you at one of the many Chanukah Celebrations.

Happy Chanukah!

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