
Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah!


Rabbi Schusterman


November 29, 2023


Holidays, Israel

What a lovely holiday. Latkes, music, doughnuts, family around the flames. Deep spiritual messaging.

I feel a different Chanukah coming on this year. It is loaded! Intense! Laden with BOLD WARNING MESSAGES! "We've been here before!" "What didn't you get?!". "Get your Maccabee on!! NOW!"

Old is new again. The irrational hatred towards the Jews, the desire to crush and destroy what is holy and pure is an old story made new again. The sacrifice, bravery and courage of the Hasmoneans, the Maccabees, is an old story made new again.

The Jewish Soul is awake like never before. The Chanukah story teaches us that in the darkest of times we are called upon to let our inner light shine forth. Our inner light of course is our Neshama which is an infinite part of G-d.

Our world is experiencing irrational hatred. By definition we can't combat something that is irrational with a rational answer. The only way to combat the irrational is by expressing the supra rational. The supra-rational is expressed in action.

That is what the Maccabees of old did and what we are called to do in these times. Action includes financial support for various Israel groups doing good to help the victims and the IDF as well as political influence. However, the supra rational action that combats the hatred is the Mitzvah. The Mitzvah that is our commitment to our connection to Hashem despite the darkness around us.

The time is now, our moment is now. Capture the fire that is burning in your soul and actualize it.

May the BOLD messages of Chanukah this year permeate our hearts, activate our inner fire and bring change that will be long lasting.

Happy Chanukah!

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