
Message Over Method


Rabbi Schusterman


June 9, 2023


Change, Lifestyle, Rebbe

The old resist change. The young think utopian.  I’ve been down both roads (the young one first) and the answer lies in the beginning of this weeks Torah portion.
Message Over Method!
At the opening of this week’s Torah portion, the Torah says “Speak to Aaron and say to him: “When you raise light in the lamps . . .” (Numbers 8:2)“. Our Sages say that when the light of the lamp is lit, you need to wait until the light is raised up, ie. that it burns without the need for the igniting flame to be held to the wick.
(When you light a candle, if you pull the match before the wick has actually caught fire, the fire will go out. The Torah is instructing us to hold the match or the igniter to the flame until it is burning on its own and only then to pull it away.)
It is clear that the message is the objective; to ensure that the light of the candle is burning bright. 
Sometimes we get so caught up in the method that we learned or were taught that we forget that all they are is a means to an end.  What is really important to keep in front of our eyes and our focus is the core message.  When we can do that then we are truly empowered to raise up the flame.
(A line I heard today, not sure if it is connected or not; “if you raise your children you can spoil your grandchildren. If you spoil your children, you will have to raise your grandchildren.)
Have a great Shabbos!

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