
Don’t own it because you don’t


Rabbi Schusterman


May 11, 2023


Challenges, Faith, Holidays, Inspiration, Lifestyle

Does the thought of putting down your burden relieve you? Not needing to own every aspect of your life; relationships, finances, health?
Here is the good news; you can put down your burden because it was never yours in the first place!
In this week’s Torah portion there is a beautiful verse that makes this point.  The law is that when the Jubilee year arrives (every 50th year in the Land of Israel) land returns to the original owner.  (There are many laws in this regard, but this is the overarching principle.). Think of land ownership as a 100 year (or 50 year) land lease.
One might find it difficult to return their land to the original owner, so the Torah tells us the following:
“And the land shall not be sold permanently, for the land belongs to Me, for you are but strangers and so-journers with Me”.
The Midrash comments; “It should not be difficult in your eyes because it is not yours”. 
The Torah is teaching us a powerful message about the things that we think “own” in our lives.  We don’t! It belongs to Hashem and Hashem alone. 

While it may be difficult to live that way, it is the truth.  As such we are empowered to (to quote a famous snowman) “let it go”. 
Try it sometime, you might find yourself relieved.
Have a great Shabbos!

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