
Riding High


Rabbi Schusterman


October 27, 2022


Change, Faith, Freedom, Inspiration, Rebuilding, Relationships

I’m still riding high from Monday’s 26 year celebration. What an event! A testament to all of our partners who have ensured a strong Jewish future for Atlanta! 

Checkout the videos presented at the event here.

And photos from the event on instagram.

Speaking about riding….

The Torah tells us this week that the Ark was riding on the water. It actually says, the waters lifted the ark from the earth.

In Chasidus the Ark represents the relationship that we have with G-d and our purpose on this earth.  The inner sanctum, the safe space.  The waters of the flood represent the challenges we encounter in life.  The challenges from without – making a living, relationships, etc.  And the challenges from within; navigating our own character, triggers, upbringing, etc.

One might see these as negative things out to get us.  We can be the victim. “How do I survive these challenges?”

The Torah is telling us that our inner sanctum is lifted up through the challenges of the waters of life.  They are not out to get us, they are actually the means by which we are lifted up. 

It is through the challenges that we actually are able to discover the core of who we are and our purpose on this earth.

The key is not to see the waters as the enemy, but as a friend who is challenging us to look deeper, to rise above, to rise up and to ride the waves to further and greater heights.

Have a great Shabbos!

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